Cashew Council Ghana (CCG)

Promoting the Ghanaian Cashew Industry


The  Cashew Council Ghana (CCG) was established in 2020 as the umbrella body charged to regulate the activities of the various cashew stakeholders  from  Cashew producers, Cashew processors, Traders/exporters and Service Providers. Cashew is a tree crop that is grown commercially on all regions of the country except the Western, Western North and the Greater regions. Thus the CCG incorporates the growth and development of the Ghana cashew sector.  The Cashew Council Ghana aims at promoting a viable cashew sector that enhances production, processing. trade and job creation. With less than 10% of the local production of RCN  processed and even more worrying less of the apples is processed, the council id partnering other stakeholders and State Institutions to promote processing at all levels. 

The council together with its partners is Implementing quality control measures to ensure that only high-quality cashew nuts that meet market standards for size, color, and kernel integrity are available in the factories. 


Our mission is to advocate for policy reforms, reorganize the cashew sector, and maintain a unified front for farmers, processors, and traders to drive accelerated growth and development.


Our vision is A country with a revolutionized cashew sector that is changing livelihoods of all actors in the sector. 

 As a nonprofit, nationally and community-based accredited association, we make the promise of perpetuity: protecting cashew production by forever and supporting the people who make these lands productive as well promoting the processing of the cashew product and its derivatives thereby promoting the trade in the commodity for the benefit of this and future generation

The CCG can only be proud of its achievements if the following is met:

  • Our region has a vibrant agricultural economy producing a demand driving cashew nuts.
  • Farms are resilient in the face of changes in the economy, climatic variability on the agroecological systems, etc.
  • Future generations of cashew producers are trained, supported, and successful in vertical expansion of farms.
  • People understand and value local processing of cashew and its derivatives through promoting of local consumption
  • There is a conscious effort of value addition for local and export market for the benefit of all
  • We promote the active trade of all excess raw cashew nuts on the local market abroad 
  • We continue to be effective, proactive, financially stable, and well-supported.

Get in Touch

Phone: +233244329734


Location: 31 Boundary Road, East Legon